Our work with vulnerable children
Müllers is partnering in the gospel, building relationships and supporting our recipients through prayer, as well as financially.
The Orphans of the World initiative has grown through SKI, and is now helping to support more children today than Müller’s original orphanages did. Müllers seeks to glorify God by praying for our gospel-partners as they work, with our support, to bring wholeness of life around the world.
We are not a general grant-making organisation and do not accept grant applications.
Meet our partners
Marc and Ruth Marcondes live and serve in Fortaleza, Brazil. UNiViDA is a Christian charity bringing life, hope and opportunity to children in the slums of Fortaleza, Brazil. They offer a pathway out of poverty by providing quality education and training to children who otherwise only receive 4 hours of schooling a day.
Home for Good
Home for Good work to find a home for every child who needs one. They encourage and support the Church to engage with fostering and adoption so vulnerable children experience a loving family. They believe that everyone has a part to play to ensure that every child and young person experiences the welcome, stability and care they need in order to thrive.
We also support…
Community Savings Groups, Burundi
Through our partnership with Five Talents, these community savings groups offer tailored approaches to help members learn, earn, save and invest together to build a brighter future for themselves, their families and their community.
Each Savings Group comprises 15-50 members who each bring a set amount to save determined by the Group.
Depending on the type of programme, members can save flexibly or deposit fixed amounts to qualify for loans. This is a sign of commitment and helps embed the idea of putting aside money for savings and repayments, which creates a safety net for emergencies and times of crisis.
Schooling for girls, India
Through our anonymous partner, we provide an education for girls who are at risk of sexual exploitation in India. Local community leaders asked for quality education to give children from Dalit, tribal and other poor and marginalised communities opportunities they could never dream of having. They asked for English-medium schools: the language of opportunity denied for so long to the poor and marginalised. They asked for values-based education within an ethos that emphasised respect for others, self-worth, dignity, freedom and equality. Müllers works with our partner to provide this and put vulnerable girls through school.
Wukwashi Wa Nazbi Special Needs School, Zambia
The project currently supports a total of 50 children in education, 100 with medical care, and 400 with social needs through its 11 weekly community support groups and special needs school.
Introduced to us through the charity Shared Hope, project leaders Henry and Joyce Mutembu are transforming the the lives of many children with disabilities. Not only that, but the wider community is being influenced in its thinking towards children with disabilities, and families who have a disabled child.

We financially and prayerfully support more than
global partners who are caring for vulnerable children.