Supporting Müllers
We believe prayer changes things. Subscribe to our monthly prayer newsletter where you can pray for us and our partners around the world.
We maintain the same principle George Müller had with raising funds. We do not ask anyone for donations, instead rely on God to move the hearts of people to share with us. Please click the relevant button below to do so. (Please make cheques payable to “The George Müller Charitable Trust” and include a note confirming the donation is for general funds)
Can you give your time to strengthen churches to meet the needs of the vulnerable? There are a number of ways you can get involved in supporting the work of Müllers. Check out the different volunteering opportunities below.
Do you have a passion for history? Get involved in sharing the remarkable story of George Müller and the 10,000 orphans he cared for.
There are a number of ways to get involved at The George Müller Museum including, museum tour guides, Historical Archiving and sharing the story of Müller with schools.
The Mix
The Mix is a Christian worship event for church youth groups of the Bristol region, all about seeing young people having a life-changing encounter with Jesus. We are joined by several other 11-18 year olds to worship Jesus, hear from engaging speakers, play fun games, hang out with other young Christians and meet with God in prayer.
If you have a passion for seeing young people meet with Jesus we would love you to get involved. Whether it's running games, making milkshakes, praying for young people or generally mucking in, The Mix wouldn't be the same without our collection of fantastic volunteers who help each event run!
If you are looking to donate to a specific SKI partner rather than the work of Müllers, please get in touch with us.