The Digital Scripture, Theology & Culture course
Digital STC Course
If the practicalities of the in-person Scripture, Theology and Culture course don’t suit you, you may like to consider our online platform for studying.
Access on-demand videos of teaching from STC course tutors.
Be directed to helpful resources that aid your study.
Book online tutorials with lecturers to deepen your understanding.
Applications for the next digital course close on Tuesday 17th September.
dSTC Modules
Introduction to the Old Testament
Jesus and the Gospels
Paul amongst the Apostles
Other modules are being planned and will be forthcoming.
The dSTC course has allowed me to explore the difficult questions and confront the things in the Bible that can be hard to understand. Having the space to do this strengthens your faith and I'm learning that there's a lot more, even to the passages that I thought I knew well.
— Digital STC student
The dSTC course starts in October with term one running October - January, term two running January - April and the third term running April - July.
The course is two years long where students will study three modules per year.
The course is delivered mostly by pre-recorded video. This “blended learning” includes instructional videos, worksheets to complete and resources to consult, all of which is provided.
There are three video tutorial sessions per term with the dSTC tutors all at 7.30pm UK time to give students the chance to discuss the material, ask questions, etc.