The Scriptural Knowledge Institute
What is the Scriptural Knowledge Institute?
SKI (pronounced “Sky”) was founded back in 1834 by George Müller and his close friend, Henry Craik, to support missionaries in sharing Jesus and helping disadvantaged people.
Today we support hundreds of global missionaries and charities who are caring for vulnerable people. Every penny Müllers gives has been raised following our founder’s principle of never asking anyone for funds, but relying on prayer and faith for provision of what is needed.
Müllers is partnering in the gospel, building relationships and supporting our recipients financially, as well as through prayer. We are not a general grant-making organisation and do not accept grant applications.

How does SKI help?
Müllers administrates the donations of all SKI partners.
We assist with the bookkeeping, accounting, gift aid and distribution of funds so the SKI partner can concentrate on their ministry. Müllers also pays the international bank fees, ensuring 100% of donations go to the SKI partner.
Müllers gives its own funds to a number of SKI partners.
A significant proportion of the unrestricted funds Müllers raises are also sent to partners who are closely aligned to our mission, vision and strategy. These are usually partners who work to free children from poverty.
Müllers increases the prayer support base of SKI partners.
We pray for our partners every day and encourage our supporters to do the same using our prayer calendar. We also connect churches looking for mission partners with suitable SKI partners.
Meet a SKI partner
Bright Hope World
Bright Hope World is a charity based in New Zealand, whose vision is to see the poorest of the poor become spiritually and physically self-sustaining.
Its mission is to develop and resource partnerships with indigenous people who have a vision to transform their communities.

Can I become a SKI partner?
We are open to forming new partnerships with those who meet our criteria. Partners must be suggested to us by a church in the Bristol region. Please get in touch to find out more.
Those applying to become SKI partners must confirm all of the following:
a. They are active in Christian mission work
b. They have a position of senior leadership over the work.
c. The senior leader(s) are practicing Christians who believe in the power of prayer
d. A nominated UK link partner, their contact details and name of their church / organisation
e. A signed copy of the SKI Partner Safeguarding Policy and this MoU
f. Names and contact details of 2 character references, 1 of which may be the Church Link Partner.g. The mission work clearly engages in at least one of the following areas:
i. Christian based orphan / vulnerable children care
ii. Christian based care for widows / vulnerable elderly
iii. Teaching Scripture outside Church services
iv. Regular and proactive Evangelism
v. Distribution of Bibles