The Next Mix
Friday 28 March
7 - 9.30pm
Woodlands Church

Helping young people have a life-changing encounter with Jesus
What is The Mix?
The Mix is a Christian worship event for church youth groups of the Bristol region, though we welcome teens of any or no faith. We are joined by several other 11-18 year olds to worship Jesus, hear from engaging speakers, play fun games, hang out with other young Christians and meet with God in prayer.
The Mix team is made up of youth workers and volunteers of the Bristol region. It is lead by Müllers as part of their mission to "Strengthen the Church to meet the needs of the vulnerable."
What is the running order?
Doors open at 7pm for youth leader registration and games for the young people. At 7:30pm we come together for sung worship, a 15-ish minute talk and then prayer ministry. At 9pm, the activities and games reopen before we close at 9:30pm
Do I have to book tickets?
No. There is no need to book in advance and there is no charge for entry. We ask at least one youth leader to register on the door, telling us how many people have come to The Mix.
Who is responsible for the young people there?
Youth leaders who bring their group remain responsible for each young person. Any safeguarding disclosures are handled according to the safeguarding policy of the visiting church. Young people who attend without a youth leader are assigned a youth group and youth leader for the evening.